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An abridged spice3 manual, it might even be useful. This manual
covers basic spice syntax and commands for using Spice TR3e2 in both
interactive and batch modes. It may not be complete, but a more
complete version is being worked on.
SPICE (simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis) was
developed in the Electronics Research Laboratory at the University of
California at Berkeley. Spice3 is based on spice2. When used in batch
mode, most of the syntax and commands are the same, but there are
changes. For example, the output can be similar, using the -o option,
or the may be written in a "RAW" file format (the raw file format must
be used if it is to be plotted with Spice TR3e2's graphics capability).
Polynomial non-linear sources are replaced by a General non-linear
source (NOTE: most opamp libraries are made for spice2g6 and use
polynomial non-linear sources-> exception: most of Linear Technology
Corporation's models will work with either spice2 or spice3).
Polynomial nonlinear capacitors are not supported in Spice3.
*************** input format ****************************
A circuit to be analyzed by Spice is described by a netlist which
defines the circuit topology, element (or part) values, and may
include the type of analysis to be run.
Spice uses ASCII input files. The input format for Spice is of the
free format type. Fields on a line are separated by one or more
blanks, a comma, an equal (=) sign, or a left or right parenthesis;
extra spaces are ignored. A line may be continued by entering a "+" in
column one of the following line. Comments can be included in the
listing-just place a "*" in column one of the line (a space will also
work for Spice3).
The first line in a Spice input file is assumed to be the circuit
title. The last line must be the ".END" line. Between are the parts,
type of analysis, and any subcircuits or models. The order of these
statements is arbitrary (except [of course], that continuation lines
must immediately follow the line being continued, and element lines
belonging to a subcircuit must be between the ".SUBCKT" and ".ENDS"
lines for that subcircuit). Other files may be added by using the
".include file_name" command.
Spice is not case-sensitive most of the time (the ".include" command
must be lower case).
In Spice2, nodes must be labeled as number, in Spice3 they may be may
be arbitrary character strings, except for the ground node which must
be named "0". All nodes must have a dc path to ground. The circuit
cannot contain a loop of voltage sources and/or inductors and cannot
contain a series connection of current sources and/or capacitors.
Every node must have at least two connections, except for transmission
line nodes (to permit unterminated transmission lines) and MOSFET
substrate nodes (which have two internal connections anyway).
Numbers may be interred directly, followed by a integer exponent, or a
scale factor. 6000, 6e3, and 6k all have the same value. The scale
used are: T=e12 G=e9 Meg=e6 K=e3 mil=25.4e-6
m=e-3 u=e-6 n=e-9 p=e-12 f=e-15
Letters immediately following a number that are not scale factors are
ignored, and letters immediately following a scale factor are ignored.
Hence, 10, 10V, 10VOLTS, and 10hz all represent the same number, and M,
MA, MSEC, and MMHOS all represent the same scale factor.
Each element in the circuit is specified by an element line that
contains the element name, the circuit nodes to which the element is
connected, and the values of the parameters that determine the
electrical characteristics of the element. The first letter of the
element name specifies the element type. The format for the SPICE
element types is given in what follows. The strings XXXXX, YYYYY, and
ZZZZZ denote arbitrary alphanumeric strings. For example, a resistor
name must begin with the letter `R' and can contain one or more
characters. Hence, R, R1, RSE, ROUT, and R3AC2ZY are valid resistor
******* Command line Usage ************
spice [ -n ] [ -b ] [ -o outfile ] [ -r rawfile ] [ input_file ]
-n (or -N)
Don't try to source the file "spice.rc" upon startup.
Normally Spice tries to find this file in the current
-b (or -B)
Run in batch mode. Spice will read the specified input
file and do the simulation.
-r rawfile (or -R rawfile)
Use rawfile as the default file into which the results of
the simulation are saved. If the -r option is used, the
.print and .plot commands will be ignored.
-o outfile (or -O outfile)
Print analysis time and memory usage to a file, and if the
-r option is not used, use the .print and .plot commands to
make a Spice2 type output file.
Further arguments are taken to be Spice input files, which are read and
saved. (If batch mode is requested then they are run immediately.)
Spice files specified on the command line are read in before the
"spice.rc" file is read. Thus if you define aliases there, any that
are used in a Spice source file mentioned on the command line won't be
**************** Parts ******************************
Data fields that are enclosed in less than and greater than signs ("<"
or ">") are optional.
Format: Rname Node1 Node2 value
Examples: R1 32 45 1k
rload 8 0 200
The name must start with the letter R. The value may be
positive or negative, but not zero.
Format: Cname Node1 Node2 value
Examples: C1 32 45 1uf
cload 8 0 200pf
The name must start with the letter C.
Format: Lname +Node -Node value
Examples: L1 32 45 1uh
lload 8 0 200uh
The name must start with the letter L.
mutual inductor
Format: Kname Lname1 Lname2 value
Example: k1 L5 L9 .987
The name must start with the letter K. Two inductors are
referenced. The standard dot convention determines polarity-
with the positive node on the inductors having the dot. Value
is the coefficient of coupling, which must be between 0 and 1.
Lossless Transmission Lines
Format: Tname N1 N2 N3 N4 Z0=value TD=value
Tname N1 N2 N3 N4 Z0=value F=freq NL=nrmlen
Example: t1 1 0 2 0 z0=75 td=15ns
The name must start with the letter T. N1 and N2 are the nodes
at port one; N3 and N4 are the nodes at port two. Z0 is the
characteristic impedance. The length of the line must be
expressed in either one of two forms : the delay may be specified
directly (TD=value) or a frequency (F=freq) must be given. If
the frequency is given, the normalized electrical length
(NL=value) may be given (the default is NL=.25).
NOTE1: This models only one propagating mode. If all four nodes
are distinct in the actual circuit, then two modes may be
excited. To simulate this, two transmission line elements
are required.
NOTE2: The lossy transmission line with zero loss may be more
accurate due to implementation details.
independent source
Format: _name +node -node [dc value] [ac value] [tran_value]
Examples: Vcc 10 0 15
Icc 2 5 1ma
vin 1 0 dc 0 ac 1 pulse(-0.5 0.5 20us 20us 20us 200us 400us)
If the name starts with a V it is a voltage source and if it
starts with an I it is a current source. The transient value
may have the following values:
PULSE(v1 v2 pulse_delay [rise_time fall_time pulse_width period])
SIN(offset_voltage amplitude frequency [start_delay damping_coef])
PWL(time_point1 volt_or_amp1 [t2 v_or_a2 ...])
linear dependent sources
Format: _name +nodeOut -nodeOUT +nodeIN -nodeIN value
Examples: G1 10 0 5 0 15mmho
E1 2 0 5 0 1e8
If the name starts with a G, it is a voltage controlled
current source. If the name starts with a E, it is a voltage
controlled voltage source.
Format: _name +nodeOut -nodeOUT vname value
Examples: F1 1 2 vz 26
H3 5 7 vy 345
Vname is the name of a voltage source through which the
controlling current flows. If the name starts with a F, it is
a current controlled current source. If the name starts with
a H, it is a current controlled voltage source.
non-linear dependent sources (these sources are not spice2 compatible)
Format: Bname +nodeOut -nodeOUT <I=expr> <V=expr>
Examples: b1 1 0 i=cos(v(1))+sin(v(2))
b2 5 3 v=log(v1))^2
The name must start with the letter B. The values of the V
and I parameters determine the voltages and currents across
and through the device, respectively. Only one of these
parameters must be given. The expressions given for V and I
may be any function of voltages and currents through voltage
sources in the system. The following functions of real
variables are defined: abs asinh cosh sin
acos atan exp sinh
acosh atanh ln sqrt
asin cos log tan
The following operations are defined:
+ - * / ^ unary
If the argument of log, ln or sqrt becomes less than zero, the
absolute value of the argument is used. If a divisor becomes
zero, an error will result. Other problems may arise where
the partial derivative of a function is undefined.
Parts that need MODELS:
Some devices (or parts) that spice simulates require many parameter
values. Since these devices may be used more than once in a circuit
(with the same set of parameters), they have a set of "model"
parameters that is defined on a separate model line with the format:
.MODEL model_name type(parameters)
.model mod1 npn (BF=50 IS=1e-13 VBF=50)
.model dm1 d (is=2e-17)
Among the model types used in Spice TR3e2bl are npn, pnp, d, njf, pjf,
ltra and sw.
NOTE: Although the model line is required for these parts, spice will
use the default values for the unspecified parameter values.
Please see some "real" spice documentation for the semiconductor
default values.
diodes (D)
Format: Dname NodeA NodeC modname
Example: d1 32 45 d1n4841
The name must start with the letter D. NodeA is the anode and
NodeC is the cathode.
bipolar junction transistors (NPN, PNP)
Format: Qname collector base emitter modname
Examples: Q1 32 45 40 Q2N2222A
q27 1 2 3 q2n2222a
The name must start with the letter Q.
junction FETs (NJF, PJF)
Format: Jname drain gate source modname
Example: J1 32 45 40 JN2
The name must start with the letter J.
Lossy Transmission Lines (LTRA)
Format: Oname N1 N2 N3 N4 modname
Example: o1 1 0 2 0 tran1
The name must start with the letter O. N1 and N2 are the nodes
at port one; N3 and N4 are the nodes at port two. Note: a
lossy transmission line with zero loss may be more accurate
than a lossless transmission line due to implementation details.
MODEL parameters
R resistance/length (default 0.0)
L inductance/length (default 0.0)
G conductance/length (default 0.0)
C capacitance/length (default 0.0)
LEN length of line required -> no default
REL breakpoint control (default 1)
ABS breakpoint control (default 1)
NOSTEPLIMIT do not limit timestep to less than time delay (flag)
NOCONTROL don't do complex timestep control (flag)
LININTERP use linear interpolation (flag)
MIXEDINTERP use linear when quadratic seems bad (flag)
COMPACTREL special reltol for history compaction
COMPACTABS special abstol for history compaction
TRUNCNR use Newton-Raphson method for timestep control (flag)
TRUNCDONTCUT don't limit timestep to keep impulse-response errors
low (flag)
Only the following types of lines have been implemented so far:
RLC - uniform transmission line with series loss only
RC - uniform RC line
LC - lossless transmission line
RG - distributed series resistance and parallel conductance
Any other combination will yield erroneous results and should not be tried.
Switches (SW)
Format: Sname N+ N- NC+ NC- modname <on><off>
Example: s1 2 5 3 0 sw1
The name must start with the letter S (for a voltage
controlled switch). Switches must always have a finite
positive value. It is wise to set switch impedances only high
and low enough to be negligible with respect to other circuit
elements. Switches will not change state in AC analyses.
MODEL parameters
VT threshold voltage (default 0.0v)
VH hysteresis (default 0.0v)
RON on resistance (default 1 ohm)
ROFF off resistance (default 1/GMIN ohm)
******************** Subcircuits **********************
A subcircuit consists of spice elements and can be referenced in a
fashion similar to device models. Spice will automatically insert the
group of elements wherever the subcircuit is referenced.
Format for subcircuit reference: xname node1 node2 <node...> subname
The name must start with the letter X.
Format for subcircuit: .subckt subname sub_node1 <sub_node...>
parts sub_nodes...
The subcircuit must end with the line: ".ends <subname>"
Ground (the 0 node) may be used in a subcircuit but can not
be listed as an external node. Node references in a subcircuit
are independent of (not the same node as) any node which may have
the same name in either the main circuit or another
** example of a subcircuit **
.subckt pienet 2 3
c1 2 0 100p
l1 2 3 10u
c2 3 0 100p
.ends pienet
** end of example **
*************** Spice file commands *********************
These commands are placed in the input files for use in the batch mode,
or with the interactive "run" command.
dc operating point
Format: .op
This command directs spice3 to include the dc operating
information in the RAW output file.
DC analysis
Format: .dc source_name vstart vstop vincrement
AC analysis
Format: .ac dec nd fstart fstop
dec is for the decade variation, oct or lin can be used instead
for the octave or linear variation. nd is the number of points
per decade, octave or absolute, depending on option chosen.
At least one independent source must have been specified with
an ac value for the analysis to be meaningful.
NOTE: AC analysis is a linear small-signal analysis. No clipping
of signals will take place.
Transient analysis
Format: .tran tstep tstop <tstart <tmax>>
Transient analysis always start at time zero, if tstart is
non-zero, the data between zero and tstart is not saved.
***************** other file commands **********************
These commands are placed in the input files, all are used in the batch
mode, some will not do anything in the interactive mode. Try it. If
it works, it works.
.NODESET V(node_number)=value V(node_number)=value ...
This line may help spice find the DC or initial transient solution
by making a preliminary pass with the specified nodes held to the
given voltages. The restriction is then released and the iteration
continues to the true solution. The .NODESET line may be necessary
for convergence on bistable or astable circuits, but it should not
otherwise be needed.
.IC V(node_number)=value V(node_number)=value ...
This line is for setting transient initial conditions. It has two
different interpretations, depending on whether the UIC parameter
is specified on the .TRAN line. The .IC line should not be confused
with the .NODESET line -> the .NODESET line does not affect final
bias solution (except for multi-stable circuits).
If the UIC parameter is not specified on the .TRAN control line,
the DC bias (initial transient) solution is computed before the
transient analysis. In this case, the node voltages specified on
the .IC control line is forced to the desired initial values during
the bias solution. During transient analysis, the constraint on
these node voltages is removed. This is the preferred method since
it allows spice to compute a consistent DC solution.
If the UIC parameter is specified on the .TRAN control line, the
node voltages specified on the .IC control line are used to compute
the capacitor, diode, BJT JFET, and MOSFET initial conditions. This
is equivalent to specifying the IC=... parameter on each device
line, but is more convenient. The IC=... parameter can still be
specified and takes precedence over the .IC values. Since no DC
bias (initial transient) solution is computed before the transient
analysis, one should take care to specify all dc source voltages on
the .IC control line if they are to be used to compute device
initial conditions.
.OPTIONS option1=value option2=value ...
This line allows the user to reset program control and user options
for specific simulation purposes. Any combination of the following
options may be included, in any order. Below, 'x' represents some
positive number.
option effect
GMIN=x the minimum conductance allowed (default 1.0e-12)
RELTOL=x the relative error tolerance (default .001 -> 0.1
ABSTOL=x the absolute current error tolerance (default 1
VNTOL=x the absolute voltage error tolerance
(default 1 microvolt)
CHGTOL=x the charge tolerance (default 1.0e-14)
TRTOL=x the transient error tolerance (default 7) This
parameter is an estimate of the factor by which
spice overestimates the actual truncation error.
PIVTOL=x the absolute minimum value for a matrix entry to be
accepted as a pivot (default 1.0e-13)
PIVREL=x the relative ratio between the largest column entry
and an acceptable pivot value (default 1.0e-3)
TNOM=x the nominal temperature at which device parameters
are measured (default 27 deg C)
TEMP=x the operating temperature of the circuit (default
27 deg C)
ITL1=x the DC iteration limit (default 100)
ITL2=x the DC transfer curve iteration limit (default 50)
ITL3 and ITL5 are not implemented in spice3
ITL4=x the transient analysis timepoint iteration limit
(default 10)
METHOD=name sets the numerical integration method used by spice.
possible names "Gear" or "trapezoidal" (or
"trap") (default trap)
.save [ node1 ] [ node2 ... ]
Save a set of outputs, discarding the rest. Useful only in batch
mode when a raw file format is used. If a node has been mentioned in
a save command, it will appear in the raw file. If there are no
save commands given, all outputs are saved. The save command must
be given before an analysis command to have an affect.
.print analysis_type output_var1 <output_var2 ... output_var8>
.plot analysis_type output_var1 <output_var2 ... output_var8>
These commands are ignored if a raw file is produced.
.print ac vdb(1) db(out)
.print tran v(2) i(vin)
.plot tran out
.four fundamental_frequency [ value ... ]
This command is ignored if a raw file is produced. Does a fourier
analysis of each of the given values, using the first 10 multiples
of the fundamental frequency.
.four 10k out
.include file_name
.include d1n4148.mod
.include ltc\lm301a
***************** interactive commands ******************
This chapter describes the most important interactive commands
available for use with Spice TR3e2. It must be remembered that Spice
3e2 was written for the Unix operating system. Not all of the
"Berkeley" commands will work under DR(MS)-DOS. Commands that did not
work, or were considered not useful, are not listed. Those who may
disagree on my definition of "what is useful" are free to call Berkeley
for the "real" documentation(??).
Analysis Commands:
Note: While commands, in general, are not case sensitive in input
files, they ARE case sensitive in the interactive mode -> use
lower case.
op Do an operating point analysis.
tran [ .tran card args ]
Do a transient analysis.
ac [ .ac card args ]
Do an ac analysis.
dc [ .dc card args ]
Do a dc transfer curve analysis.
Other Commands:
alias [ word ] [ text ... ]
Causes word to be aliased to text. History substitutions
may be used, as in C-shell aliases.
cd [ directory ]
Change the current working directory to directory, or to
the user's home directory if none is given.
destroy [ plot_name ] [ all ]
Throws away the data in the named plot. This can be
necessary if a lot of large simulations are being done.
Spice should warn the user if the size of the memory usage
is approaching the maximum allowable size (within about 90%).
It is advisable to run the rusage command occasionally if
running out of space is a possibility, since Spice will crash
if it does runs out of memory. If the argument to destroy is
all, all plots except the constant plot will be thrown away
(it is not possible to destroy the constant plot). If no
argument is given the current plot is destroyed.
display [ vector_name ... ]
Prints a summary of currently defined vectors, or of the
names specified. The vectors are sorted by name unless the
variable nosort is set. The information given is the name of
the vector, the length, the type of the vector, and whether
it is real or complex data. Additionally, one vector will be
labeled [scale]. When a command such as plot is given without
a vs argument, this scale is used for the X-axis. It is
always the first vector in a rawfile, or the first vector
defined in a new plot. If you undefine the scale (i.e, let
TIME = []), a random remaining vector will become the scale.
edit [ file ]
If a filename is given, then edit that file and (when done)
load it (making the circuit the current one)- else edit the
current SPICE3 deck. The default editor is "VI". The "set
editor=XXX" command (in either spice or DOS) can be used to
select a different editor.
fourier fundamental_frequency [ value ... ]
Does a fourier analysis of each of the given values, using
the first 10 multiples of the fundamental frequency (or the
first nfreqs, if that variable is set). The output is like
that of the .four card. The values may be any valid
expression. The values are interpolated onto a fixed-space
grid with the number of points given by the fourgridsize
variable, or 200 if it is not set. The interpolation will be
of degree polydegree if that variable is set, or 1. If
polydegree is 0, then no interpolation will be done. This is
likely to give erroneous results if the time scale is not
monotonic, though.
hardcopy file plotargs
Just like plot, except creates a file containing the plot.
The default file format is postscript. Other available
formants are not useful under DOS.
history [ number ]
Print out the history, or the last number commands typed at
the keyboard. Historical substitution is possible, !!<CR>
will repeat the last command, !1<CR> will repeat the first
command given.
linearize [ vec ... ]
Create a new plot with all of the vectors in the current
plot, or only those mentioned if arguments are given. The
new vectors will be interpolated onto a linear time scale,
which is determined by the values of tstep, tstart, and tstop
in the currently active transient analysis. The currently
loaded deck must include a transient analysis (a tran command
may be run interactively before the last reset, alternately),
and the current plot must be from this transient analysis.
This command is needed because SPICE3 doesn't output the
results from a transient analysis in the same manner that
SPICE2 did.
listing [ logical ] [ physical ] [ deck ] [ expand ]
Print a listing of the current circuit. If the "logical"
argument is given, the listing is with all continuation lines
collapsed into one line, and if the "physical" argument is
given the lines are printed out as they were found in the
file. The default is logical. A deck listing is just like the
physical listing, except without the line numbers it
recreates the input file verbatim (except that it does not
preserve case). If the word "expand" is present, the circuit
will be printed with all subcircuits expanded.
load [ filename ] ...
Loads the raw data from the files named. The default
filename is rawspice, or the argument to the -r flag
if there was one.
plot exprs [ samep ] [ ylimit ylo yhi ] [ xlimit xlo xhi ]
[ xindices xilo xihi ] [ xcompress comp ] [ xdelta xdel ]
[ ydelta ydel ] [ xlog ] [ ylog ] [ vs xname ] [ xlabel word ]
[ ylabel word ]
Plot the given exprs on the screen. If samep is given, the
values of the other parameters (other than xname) from the
previous plot, or hardcopy command will be used unless
re-defined on the command line. The xlimit and ylimit
arguments determine the high and low x- and y-limits of the
axes, respectively. The xindices arguments determine what
range of points are to be plotted - everything between the
xilo'th point and the xihi'th point is plotted. The
xcompress argument specifies that only one out of every comp
points should be plotted. If an xdelta or a ydelta parameter
is present, it specifies the spacing between grid lines on
the X- and Y-axis. These parameter names may be abbreviated
to xl, yl, xind, xcomp, xdel, and ydel respectively. The
xname argument is an expression to use as the scale on the
x-axis. If xlog or ylog are present, the X or Y scale
respectively will be logarithmic. The xlabel and ylabel
arguments cause the specified labels to be used for the X and
Y axes, respectively.
print [ col ] [ line ] expr ...
Prints the vector described by the expression expr. If the
col argument is present, print the vectors named side by
side. If line is given, the vectors are printed horizontally.
col is the default, unless all the vectors named have a
length of one, in which case line is the default. The
options width, length, and nobreak are effective for this
command. If the expression is all, all of the vectors
available are printed. The scale vector (time, frequency)
will always be in the first column unless the variable
noprintscale is true.
Quit, return to DOS.
rusage [ resource ... ]
Print resource usage statistics. If any resources are given,
just print the usage of that resource. Currently valid
resources are:
The amount of time elapsed since the last rusage
elapsed call.
Data space used.
CPU time used so far.
All of the above, and more.
Resume a simulation after a stop (a control C will stop a
run [ rawfile ]
Run the simulation as specified in the input file. If a
rawfile is given, the data is written, it is also
available interactively.
save [ node1 ] [ node2 ... ]
Save a set of outputs, discarding the rest. If a node has
been mentioned in a save command, it will appear in the
working plot after a run has completed. If there are no save
commands given, all outputs are saved. The save command must
be given before an analysis command to have an affect. To
save the branch current through voltage source, add
"source_name#branch" to the list of nodes.
set [ variable ] [ variable = value ]
Set the variable to value, if it is present. If no value is
given then the value is the boolean 'true'. You can set a
variable to be any value (numeric or string). If a variable
is set to a list of values that are enclosed in parentheses
(which must be separated from their values by white space),
the value of the variable is that list.
Variables for Spice TR3e2:
abstol The absolute tolerance used by the diff command.
Append to the file when a write command is issued,
if one already exists.
Plot vectors by drawing a vertical line from each
point to the X-axis, as opposed to joining the
points. Note that this option is subsumed in the
plottype option, below.
editor The editor to use for the edit command.
How many points to use for interpolating into when
doing fourier analysis.
If this variable is set to an integer, this number
will be used as the number of equally spaced
points to use for the Y-axis when plotting.
Otherwise the current scale will be used (which
may not have equally spaced points). If the
current scale isn't strictly monotonic, then this
option will have no effect.
height The length of the page for print col.
The number of events to save in the history list.
nfreqs The number of frequencies to compute in the
fourier command. (Defaults to 10.)
Do not check to make sure that there are no
circuits suspended and no plots unsaved. Normally
SPICE3 will warn the user when he tries to quit if
this is the case.
Assume that BJT's have 4 nodes.
Don't have print col break between pages.
Don't overwrite existing files when doing IO
nogrid Don't plot a grid when graphing curves (but
do label the axes).
If nomoremode is not set, whenever a large amount
of data is being printed to the screen (e.g, the
print or display commands), the output will be
stopped every screenful and will continue when a
carriage return is typed. If nomoremode is set
then data will scroll off the screen without
Don't print the scale in the leftmost column when
a print col command is given.
nosort Don't have display sort the variable names.
The number of digits to print when printing tables
of data (fourier, print col). The default
precision is 6 digits. Approximately 16 decimal
digits are available, so numdgt should not be more
than 16. If the number is negative, one fewer
digit is printed to ensure constant widths in
The degree of the polynomial that the plot command
should fit to the data. If polydegree is N, then
nutmeg will fit a degree N polynomial to every set
of N points and draw 10 intermediate points in
between each end point. If the points aren't
monotonic, then it will try rotating the curve and
reducing the degree until a fit is achieved.
The number of points to interpolate between every
pair of points available when doing curve fitting.
The default is 10. (This should really be done
prompt The prompt, with the character `!' replaced by
the current event number.
The default name for rawfiles created.
The number of digits to use in the ascii rawfile
format. The default is 15.
reltol The relative tolerance used by the diff command.
A list of the directories to search when a source
command is given. The default is the current
directory and the SPICE_PATH\scripts.
units If this is degrees, then all the trig functions
will use degrees instead of radians.
When this variable is set, Spice will try to
"shell" any non-spice command.
vntol The absolute voltage tolerance used by the
diff command.
width The width of the page for print col.
setcirc [ circuit name ]
Change the current circuit. The current circuit is the one
that is used for the simulation commands below. When a
circuit is loaded with the "source" command (see below) it
becomes the current circuit.
setplot [ plotname ]
Set the current plot to the plot with the given name, or if
no name is given, prompt the user with a menu. (Note that
the plots are named as they are loaded, with names like tran1
or op2. These names are shown by the setplot and display
commands and are used by diff, below.) If the "New plot" item
is selected, the current plot will become one with no vectors
defined. Note that here the word "plot" refers to a group of
vectors that are the result of one SPICE run. When more than
one file is loaded in, or more than one plot is present in
one file, they are keep separate and only the vectors in the
current plot can be plotted.
shell [ args ... ]
Fork a shell, or execute the arguments as a command to DOS.
If the "set unixcom" command is used (as it is in the default
spice.rc file), Spice will try to "shell" any non-spice
command that it can not "source".
show device
Show a device's parameters.
source file
Read the Spice input file file. Interactive Spice commands
may be included in the file, but they must be enclosed
between the lines ".control" and ".endc" (the file
"spice.rc" which is read on startup does not need these two
lines). These commands are executed immediately after the
circuit is loaded. Spice3 command scripts, other than
spice.rc, must begin with a blank or title line. Also, any
line beginning with the characters "*#" will be executed as a
The use of this command is some what unnecessary, since Spice
will try to "source" any non-spice command.
unalias [ word ... ]
Removes any aliases present for the words.
unset [ word ] ...
Unset the variables word.
version [ version_id ]
displays the version of Spice that is running. If there are
arguments, it checks to make sure that the arguments match
the current version of Spice. This is mainly used as a
command line in rawfiles.
Gives the name of the last node or device to cause
non-convergence (for transient and operating point analysis).
Note: only one node or device is printed- there may be more
than one problem.
write [ file ] [ exprs ... ]
Writes the expr's to file. First vectors are grouped together
by plots, and written out as such. Additionally, if the
scale for a vector isn't present, it is automatically written
out as well. The default filename is rawspice.raw, or the
argument to the -r flag on the command line, if there was
one, and the default expression list is all.